Genre: CG Animation
Director: Brad Bird
Starring: Brad Bird, Holly Hunter, Samuel L.
Jackson, Jason Lee, Craig T. Nelson
RunTime: 2 hrs 1 min
Released By: Buena Vista International
Rating: PG
Day: 18 Nov 2004
The next animated blockbuster from the creative minds at Pixar
animation studios. This film's story revolves around the dysfunctional
family problems that come up when everyone works together
as a superteam called the Incredibles. Specifically, the Incredibles
are a family of superheroes trying to live a quiet life in
the suburbs (placed there by the Witness Protection program
to hide them from one of their supervillains) who find themselves
called into action to save the world, led by the pater familias,
Mr. Incredible, whose better days as a superhero appear to
be behind him.
Movie Review:
In the animated World of "The Incredibles", superheroes
are viewed as misfits of the society. Most commoners hate
them for causing damages to their body and properties which
arises from the process of their heroic act. Pressured by
the numerous legal claims and protest from the public, the
government have to force these superheroes to lead an anonymous
existence, restricting them from using their super powers
ever again. No prize for guessing why these heroes quietly
obliged to the politicians even though they could easily crushed
them flat like pancakes!
Though the days of heroism and glory are over for these super
humans, nevertheless they are still hoping for a come back.
Mr Incredible, now known as Bob Parr, spends his days for
the past 15 years as an insurance claims agents until a suspicious
message requested for his super abilities again. Unaware of
the death-trapped that lie ahead of him and his family, the
now overweight Hero gladly obliged to the assignment.
As in the case of humans, our heroes in the movie are not
perfect either. Bob Parr, though blessed with unlimited strength,
is actually an egoistic and self-centered man who is more
concerns with "showing-off" his heroisms than caring
for his family. When restricted from using his power, he behaved
like a no-life, unmotivated and frustrated family man waiting
for the end of his days.
Fortunately, his spouse, Helen Parr (earlier known as Elasticgirl)
is not only a diligent and responsible wife but also a caring
mother who looks into every single chore in the family. Her
strength lies not in her "super-flexible" ability
but the love she has for her husband and kids.
Her motherly nature had makes her more than a superheroine
she used to be. However, like all overly protective mothers,
she has left some negative impact on her children, who equally
possess super powers.
The eldest daughter of the family, Violet Parr, become unsure
and even ashamed after been constantly reminded by her mother
to restrict the use of her invisibility and protective shield.
Choosing to always remain on the sideline, peeking at her
dream guy, she bears the closed resemblance to many teenage
girls, who are always very defensive and conscious about their
looks in the process of turning into a woman.
Dash Parr, the eldest son of the family, turns frustrated
and rebellious after been constantly reminded by his mother
to "blend in". Dash, like his name suggested, could
run like lightning! Watch out for his "dashing across
water" feat, which could have been inspired by Jet Li
and Donnie Yen sparring on water-surface scene in Zhang Yimou's
movie, "Hero". Dash is like early-school boys, who
are mischievous, hyperactive and eager to prove himself.
The only "normal" person of the family who does
not bear any super power - yet, is little Jack-Jack. Like
most baby, the cute and loveable Jack-Jack's plush toy could
well be the hottest pursue in the toys department from now
on even though he only appear in less than a minute (in total)
in the movie. Watch out the "Hellboy" feat he pulled
off in the finale. Simply wicked! Simply hilarious!
Other than the Incredibles, we see other superheroes like
Frozone (with ability to froze anything in his way), Baddie
Syndrome (superheroes' gears inventor), and of course the
comical Edna "E" Mode (superheros' suits designer).
Mr Incredible reminds us of "Superman" performed
by the late Christopher Reeves (1952 - 2004), a true man of
steel in real life where he fought hard, under near total
paralytic-conditions, as the inspirational Chairperson for
the research to the cure to paralysis organization under his
name. Though he is now gone, his tireless service and heroism
will always be remembered by many!
Unlike the perfect Superman, the new school of heroes in "The
Incredibles" is not any one-man team but a family, with
members possessing different super-abilities that when blended
together, would make a powerful league! Presented by the team
who created box-office gems like Monster Inc. and Finding
Nemo, this is definitely another animated movie not to be
To the team at Pixar Animation Studios: SEQUELS PLEASE!!
Movie Rating:
Review by Leosen Teo