Genre: Animated Comedy-Adventure
Director: Mark Dindal
Starring (Voice Talents of): Zach Braff, Garry
Marshall, Joan Cusack, Steve Zahn, Amy Sedaris, Don Knotts,
Harry Shearer, Patrick Stewart, Wallace Shawn, Fred Willard,
Catherine O’Hara, Adam West, Enrico Colantoni, Patrick
RunTime: -
Released By: BVI
Rating: G
Day: 1 December 2005
time the sky really is falling in Walt Disney Pictures’
new computer-animated film “Chicken Little.” This
epic tale presents a new twist to the classic fable of a young
chicken that causes widespread panic when he mistakes a falling
acorn for a piece of the sky. In this hilarious adventure,
Chicken Little is determined to revive his ruined reputation.
But just as things are starting to go his way, a real piece
of the sky lands on his head! Suspense, chaos, and plenty
of laughs ensue as Chicken Little and his band of misfit friends
attempt to avert disaster without sending the town into a
whole new panic. This time, when it comes to saving the world,
it helps to be a little chicken.
little prologue before we embarked on the review of “Chicken
Little”. Touted as Disney’s first computer-generated
movie, “Chicken Little” is a milestone for the
House of Mouse who makes it big through traditional 2D animations
and awed the world with it’s first full-length feature,
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” back in 1937.
Fast forward to the year 2004, with some corporate decisions
initiated by the infamous Disney’s ex-CEO Michael Eisner,
the conglomerate decides to end it’s hand-drawn animation
productions in addition the resolve of Disney’s collaboration
with the great Pixar. This decision sent their in-house animation
team into a spiral and thus “Chicken Little” were
among the CG productions born amidst the chaos. As dramatic
as it sounds, Disney has come a long way. If you can vaguely
recall, Disney has another CG feature back in 2000, the lukewarm
received “Dinosaurs”. Theoretically, “Chicken
Little” isn’t Disney’s first CG effort.
But that’s another long tale, let’s get on with
our little chick! Shall we?
story opens in a little town (where all kinds of animals lived
in perfect harmony, this is a Disney cartoon if you don’t
mind) called Oakey Oaks similar in outlook to “Toontown”
in Disneyland if you have been there. Our cute little chick
hero aptly named Chicken Little had caused a huge hoo-ha over
an acorn falling from the sky as the “the sky is falling”
earlier. But soon, he is once again thrown into frenzy when
he found out the sky is indeed falling this time. The movie
started promising enough and held the audience to their seats
in it’s tight 78 minutes running time. But the jokes
might fall flat on the kiddy audience which Disney is supposedly
be targetting at. You get more laughter from the adults than
the kids who are unusually quiet in the cinema hall.
the plus side, Disney never fails in its ability to come up
with immensely cute, memorable characters in their animation
movies. Characters liked the pig, ugly duckling and the fish
(a hyperactive character that will have you laughing in tears
with his impersonation of King Kong) in “Chicken Little”
compliment well with the bouncy voice talents from Steve Zahn,
Joan Cusack who adds a real thrill to the whole setup. It’s
a pity the talented Zach Braff (“Scrubs”, “Garden
State”) who voiced Chicken Little has apparently failed
to live up to its “looks”. His sort of laidback,
gruff voice seem a little subdued for our smart, boisterous
hero. At the end of the day, Chicken Little’s group
of zany friends has clamored all the attention from the audience
inevitable to compare “Chicken Little” with other
animation blockbusters from the more prominent animation studios.
DreamWorks productions such as “Shrek” and “Sharktales”
got most of their pulling power from their usual A-list “voice”
cast and a mass parody of pop-cultures which most adult audience
loved. Pixar emphasized on their story-telling techniques
that even the weirdest plot (see “Monster Inc”)
has most kids squealed in delight. Blue Sky’s limited
outputs with only “Ice Age” and “Robots”
on hand placed the latter in an awkward position to make a
comparison. Coming back to Disney’s “Chicken Little”,
it possessed a bit of everything from “Finding Nemo”
to “Shrek, the similarities of the “father-and-son”
relationship is extracted briefly from the former and to spoof
blockbusters liked “War of the Worlds”, “Dodgeball”
is inspired by the Shrek series.
technical aspects of it such as lightning, figures rendering,
set details still have room for improvement as compared to
Pixar’s “Toy Story” or “The Incredibles”.
Some of the background characters at times look fuzzy and
repetitive. However, it’s a tad too early at this stage
to give a good gauge of Disney’s CG animation output
based on “Chicken Little” alone. While the issue
of technology is never a problem to resolve given more time,
storylines deserved more attention and polishing. The simplistic
of the plotting is aimed perfectly at the younger audience
unfortunately the jokes aren’t. Somehow, there’s
a need for Disney to strike a balance between these two audiences
before gold is unearthed.
Little managed to score a homerun in the movie, it can’t
be said so for the running-on-empty script. It’s the
wondrous characters that saved the day!)
by Linus Tee