A mysterious signal is being transmitted from all media devices
in the city of Terminus, provoking murder and madness within
the psyches of its inhabitants, and one man battles to save
the woman he loves from the vehemence of her crazed husband.
But, in order to succeed, he must first determine who he can
trust in a city where everyone appears to have succumbed to
the violence of the signal--including himself.
The teaser trailer for Signal had always been a deterring
factor for me to find out more about this independent flick.
Let’s just say that the loud blazing psychedelic video
with it’s chaotic subliminal undertones messages weren’t
really that appealing. It really felt like another cheap torture
porn wannabe. Plus with a relatively unknown cast and the
low budget feel to it, I never really even gave the trailer
a chance to finish it’s pitch.
have been wrong multiple of times with prejudgment of films
and I got to admit the Signal was more intriguing than the
first impression made by that awful teaser trailer.
into three parts (or transmission as the film put it), this
movie follows two “some what star crossed” lovers
as they tried to meet up after most people from the whole
city had turned murderous after being affected by subliminal
message that’s coming out of the TVs, radios and phones.
synopsis and first part of this movie would indicate and set
up the unlikely romance for audience to root for. It’s
not your usual boy love girl, boy must rescue girl scenario
as there’s a crazed husband involved. Normally such
relationship would probably meet the general society disapproval
but the manner that this film handles and introduces this
protagonist couple was with such sweet romance that it easily
swept viewer like me into wanting to follow their fate out
of this mess.
introduction of the madness among the city inhabitants was
also set up notably that it makes one want to find out what
behind the mysterious signal. It’s not overly done and
although it’s isn’t as scary as other well made
zombie/ slasher flicks, it was remarkably done for a movie
with budget constrain by showing only what is necessary to
send the message home.
then turns into a dark comedic with it’s second act
(or second transmission as they called it). A rather unexpected
turn of events and even though it wasn’t as strong as
the first act, it had it’s moment with how it depict
the psyches of those affected ones. It gave a rather interesting
insight on how this people filled with murderous intent are
thinking and justifying their acts of horror.
it went sour with the final act. Well to most people’s
reviews and comments in various boards that discussed about
this movie. Personally, it’s the weakest part of this
movie but it does have some redeeming factors to it. The outcome
was done in a messy manner that resonates with how the signal
could have messed up with the thoughts of our dear leading
couples. It was also done in a way that let the aggressive
movie watchers to ponder about what it could have meant and
why did it turned out in this manner. That of cause would
leave some of those lazy viewers who want answers to be feed
to them constantly a bit more than frustrated.
this indie flick was a pleasant surprise. Even with it’s
low budget feel to it, it somehow managed to capture the chaos
and the love that blinds two lovers to get through this massacre.
It also has an interesting take on the human psychology that
make this a somewhat smart zombie flicks. There are also metaphors
on human wraith, the overwhelming technologies around us and
many others but I will leave you to find out with The Signal
on your own.
One full length trailer that is someone less irritating
that the teaser trailer but somehow isn’t that enticing
flashing of ScorpioEast logo to be found in this dvd movie playback.
dark scenes are notably clear and sharp and colors are well
balanced in this dvd. No visual defects are noted. Strong
bass were utilized whenever the mysterious signal comes into
play in this movie and doesn’t affect the dialogue.
The Signal is presented in English dialogue with English subtitles.
by Richard Lim Jr