Director: Michael Bay
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson, Josh
Duhamel, Anthony Anderson, Rachael Taylor, Megan Fox, John Turturro,
Jon Voight
RunTime: 2 hrs 19 mins
Released By: UIP
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Date: 28 June 2007
alien races, the Autobots and the Decepticons, bring their
battle to Earth, leaving the future of humankind hanging in
the balance. The feature is being directed by Michael Bay
with Steven Spielberg acting as the executive producer.
has been battling over the originality of the redefination
of the live action sci-fi film, Transformers. Comments were
bombarded around claiming the robots were too ugly, Optimus
Prime flashy colours were too loud, and helming a small protest
among true fans of the indifference. I too felt the saddened
disparity of such change but who are we kidding? If the robots
were to look like they were back in the 80s, this flick will
be a laughing stock. Now with the backing of Industrial Light
& Magic's CGI team, every time one those cars transform,
you can't help but bring a tear to your eyes and realised
that you're 8 again, sitting with your mouth wide open at
the awe and spectacle of the visual feast.
With no time wasted, Transformers starts
off with a loud sonic boom, diving into the thick of the action
as U.S. soldiers in Qatar are attacked by a helicopter that
transformed itself, destroying everything in its path to downloads
top-secret files from the computers, hacking into the National
Security's database. All these to find an all-powerful cube
called the Allspark that was crashed in the Arctic a millennia
ago along with evil Megatron during a ravaging civil war between
the good Autobots and the evil Decepticons on planet Cybertron.
Boy do these names bring memories.
With so much sequels dominating the cinemas
of the summer blockbuster frenzy, the one much anticipiated
original show turns out to be a much simpler form ever imaginable.
No twist or turn. No confusing plots. In a nutshell, the movie
can be summariesed in less then 15 words. And in that aspect,
i beleive that Bay and screenwriters truely understands that
people are simply here to see giant robots thrash the hell
out of both each other and city surroundings - thus don't
bother spending time with much preamble. The result is a 140
minute movie with over an hour of it devoted to truly hardcore
action - and on that front Bay shines as always.
definite nod to Michael Bay for always notching up the heat
in every action-pack blockbuster ever made. And this one is
no different. The realism was an eye opener as soon as the
1st robots apeared and it never lets down the expectation
despite having ILM's truly jaw-dropping effects suspending
going on too long at times during much of the last hour in
one giant series of sequences which sees downtown LA ripped
Even though at would seem that the human
elements were merely toppings, character building were substandardly
of borderline making it just beleivable for the plot to go
through. Shia LaBeouf, who plays Sam, is enjoyably rootable
as the sympathetic awkward teen who befriends the autobots.
The women especially were just mere eye-candies - Rachael
Taylor as a hot Australian computer geek does well but struggles
with such little material, whilst Megan Fox shows off little
more than her torso and pouty mouth. She's the female lead,
yet given a character development that blew a fuse so fast
that you seem to forget about it as soon as the action starts.
Such a pity Bay had to rush through all these little gems
which could have made a much creative evolution of story development.
Lacking in the natural instincts that Spielberg has as a storyteller,
Bay doesn't quite have the ability to connect in a direct,
deeply emotional mode with the viewers through seemingly simple
yarns about quintessentially American families and children.
While the young members of the cast act in
a sincere, straightforward manner, the veteran ones, such
as Torturro and Jon Voight play their parts more broadly,
in tune with the cartoonish nature of the source material.
Along with the actors, voices were also well chosen. Peter
Cullen, the original voice behind the cartoon, offers the
narration by Transformer Optimus Primus, while Hugo Weaving
(Matrix, Lord of the Ring) voices the evil Megatron.
total Bayhem feature, Michael destroys, wrecks, blows up and
demolishes anything that stands or rolls in pursuit of a noisy
and flashy action movie to satisfy the imaginations of a young
audience and injects plenty of adolescent humour (as cheesy
as the film's tone) to ensure that silliness dampens the violence.
Depite having a presidential smack in the face towards the
end, one can't deny that much actually resembles how the original
cartoon would have flowed by. In terms of sheer spectacle,
"Transformers" is a hard film to beat and certainly
it looks like every single dollar spent can be seen on screen
and definately spent well. Ultimately, Transformers was designed
to be a major thrill ride this summer that is more than meets
the eye.
Movie Rating:
(You'll never see a car the same again.)
by Lokman B S