Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure
Director: Howard McCain
Cast: James Caviezel, John Hurt, Ron Perlman, Sophia Myles, Katie Bergin, Michael Fox, Katie Bergin, Amy Kerr, Cliff Saunders
RunTime: 1 hr 55 mins
Released By: Shaw & Festive Films
Rating: M18
Official Website:
Opening Day: 19 February 2009
the reign of the Vikings, Kainan (Caviezel), a man from a
far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an
alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster
are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan
leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced
technology with the Viking's Iron Age.
Movie Review:
Nothing beats learning how to swear in a new language that
you pick up. At least that's how I would do it, and how James
Caviezel as Kainan the Outlander had done it, with the help
of science-fiction technology that pumps copious amounts of
new data through the retina to the brain. Yes folks, Outlander
is a sci-fi-viking action adventure movie, but unfortunately
you see a number of *ahem* homage paid that it's hardly groundbreaking,
with every other moment being a deja-vu from somewhere else.
Set in Norway in the year 709, Kainan crash lands on Earth
after his ship apparently malfunctions thanks to really stone-age
special effects, and finds himself the sole survivor/hunter
of a beast he had on board. Alien, anyone? And to the Vikings
who found him, some believe he's sent by the gods - seriously,
that Jesus Christ role has stereotyped Jim Caviezel, such
that every one-man heroic role can draw some parallels - and
save them from the dastardly beast plaguing their village.
But not before Kainan had to gain some acceptance first by
saving the skin of the ruler Rothgar (John Hurt, with makeup
to resemble Gandalf the Grey). Kainan is like Beowulf, skilled
and coming from afar, though now he has no reputation to begin
with and had to win the hearts and minds of everyone the hard
way, through a game of Shields (don't ask). I was half expecting
Jim Caviezel do a Bale-Out impersonation, screaming at the
villagers "What Don't You *beep* Understand?" when they mistake
a grizzly bear for being their tormentor, despite his constant
explanation that they're up against a more formidable enemy.
It's an extremely straight forward story that doesn't offer
any fresh ideas, opting instead to coast along the tried and
tested with its whack-fest battles amongst men and with a
monster too big for all their sandals combined, then deciding
to become a monster-hunt (under Alien3 labyrinth conditions)
cum rescue mission. For Sophia Myles' Freya, it's a take on
Mirando Otto's Eowyn (from The Lord of the Rings franchise
- She cooks! She fights! She nurses!) but ultimately succumbing
to being a damsel in distress, before some alpha-female self-actualization
happening in order to win back some decent respect with some
one-upmanship against the guys. Think extreme-sports, and
some crticial contributions with a sword.
In fact, you're likely to be one step ahead of the story,
which cannot decide if it wanted to just soley be a man versus
monster flick, so that explains the man versus man angle for
an excuse to wage yet another meaningless bloody battle against
Hellboy's Golden Army (OK, so it's just Ron Perlman leading
some armour clad vikings), leaving his one-liners for supporting
characters to add a lot of cheese to.
Technically, it was quite appalling to see the state of special
effects in the first few minutes, especially the first major
battle between vikings and the alien creature Moorwan. It's
a mix of Predator's laser-pointer (this one here's a lamp)
and some really cheap looking CG which is befitting of a direct-to-video
movie. Thankfully it got better as the movie wore on, particularly
in spicing up the creature design. I must say it's one of
the more interesting looking monsters in recent times, with
glow in the dark capabiilities and colour changing abilities
to cater to its current mood.
Alas its much touted combination of Science Fiction and Viking
lore is something quite laughable. It's really two distinct
stories and settings here, and for movies such as the Star
Wars prequel having to showcase the possibilities with creating
totally CG-worlds, this one looked like the futuristic characters
were all standing in front of a matted painting.
Outlander, Pathfinder, 13th Warrior, seriously any viking
movie coming out of the Hollywood mills need to go back to
basics and come up with a better storyline. Surely the boundaries
of an action-adventure can be pushed much father, but the
Outlander fails in peeling itself away from mediocrity bounded
by the lack of originality.
Movie Rating:
(Only for those earnestly anticipating Caviezel doing his
Bale-impersonation battling an Alien-Gwoemul monster hybrid)
Review by Stefan Shih