Genre: Action/Thriller/Sci-Fi
Director: Greg Strause & Colin Strause
Cast: John Ortiz, Steven Pasquale, Johnny Lewis,
Reiko Aylesworth, Shareeka Epps
RunTime: 1 hr 34 mins
Released By: 20th Century Fox
Rating: NC-16 (Violence)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 1 January 2008
In this follow-up to the worldwide hit ALIEN VS. PREDATOR,
the iconic monsters from two of the scariest film franchises
ever, wage war in the tranquil town of Gunnison, CO. A young
sheriff, his ex-con best friend and a female soldier lead
an ensemble of desperate townspeople when Aliens, a Predator
"cleaner,” and a deadly new threat do battle.
Movie Review:
The bar is set so low on “Aliens vs. Predator 2”
that it is staggering to imagine how it fell short of it.
The first film was a guilty pleasure at best, a cathartic
release for fans of the respective franchises, and a need
for novelty fulfilled. With that need no longer present, the
sequel treads the same ground, feebly ups the stakes, reduces
the sense of claustrophobic doom from transposing the confrontations
from pyramid to a darkened Colorado town, and increases the
number of these ugly bags of mostly water for the butchering.
It’s hard to think of a sadder fate for these terrifying
extraterrestrials from “Aliens” and “Predator”
than being reposed to the ignominy of gutter monsters strung
up for ostensibly, yet another slasher film that’s not
actually good even on its own merits as a genre entry.
intergalactic Rastafarian hunter once again wears the mantle
of the hybrid franchise’s antihero, a quickly humanised
character as evinced in the closing scenes (that almost immediately
segues into the sequel’s opening scenes) with Sanaa
Lathan in the previous film. It is also perhaps the best feature
of the entire series considering that it lets this particular
monster actually retain some measure of dignity as opposed
to its counterpart’s reduction into cartoonishly bloodthirsty
critters with acid blood that squawk and hiss interminably.
As the title of the film now clearly adds, there are Aliens
versus a single sluggish Predator, making it the filmmaker’s
choice for which of these creatures is the most worthy contestant
in this battle royale. There’s a fair point to be made
that given the franchise’s emphasis on its titular outlanders
that the only purpose a sequel could have served would have
been to take the series into darker, riskier and more imaginative
territory by eliminating the presence of these annoyingly
puny meatbags we call human beings altogether. Unfortunately,
its idea of reinvention is to create a literal hybrid of the
creatures into a Predalien/Alienator sort of colony queen.
there’s something good to be extrapolated from this
incarnation of this bartardisation of the franchises, it would
be that it serves as a reminder that CGI just isn’t
all that. The directors – the Brothers Strause (Colin
and Greg) – are visual effects specialists (with a resume
that is admittedly pretty impressive), making their feature
film directorial debut, use the tried and tested man-in-monster-suit
approach that is both gory and effectively organic to the
Predator’s filmic origins. Their appointment does point
to the priority undertaken in the film and this gamble shows
them up in unflatteringly aspects as well. Basic filmmaking
techniques are taken for granted here when the film consistently
displays abnormally dim lighting, erratic cuts during crucial
fight scenes and a lack of spatial awareness.
vs. Predator 2” starts middling soon after a promising
enough start. It’s the sort of film that holds a big
bag of promise but never seems to reach in to deliver just
a glimmer of it. There are few scenes of actual terror (including
one set in a hospital that once again could have really pushed
the film into a truly dark and memorable place), excitement
and decent chuckles. Its only real horror is turning these
icons of horror into trashy minstrels.
Movie Rating:
(Doesn’t live up to the first film’s intrinsic
thrills, lacklustre creatures and even dumber humans)
Review by Justin Deimen