Genre: Comedy
Director: Brian Robbins
Cast: Eddie Murphy, Gabrielle Union, Elizabeth
Banks, Ed Helms, Judah Friedlander, Pat Kilbane
RunTime: 1 hr 30 mins
Released By: 20th Century Fox
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 14 August 2008
Seeking a way to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny,
human-looking aliens arrives on earth in the perfect disguise--a
spaceship shaped like an ordinary man (Eddie Murphy, the ship's
Captain). The spaceship, with each miniature alien responsible
for operating a particular part of the body, embarks on an
adventure in Manhattan where it meets a family who teaches
an acerbic and non-emotional culture of aliens to find their
Movie Review:
Eddie Murphy has comedic pedigree of the highest levels in
Hollywood with the likes of the Nutty Professor, Dr. Doolittle
and even an excellent turn in Dreamgirls where his disappointment
at not winning an Oscar was apparent at the Kodak. Unfortunately,
Murphy's latest offering does not hit anywhere near the heights
of his best offerings and sorely disappoints. The bright side
though, is Meet Dave is wonderfully charming and heartwarming
- something you'll love to bring your kid to and a great deviation
from the rather disturbing Norbit.
Eddie Murphy plays Dave Ming Cheng, the captain of a ship
from outer space arriving on Earth in search of salt to save
the earth. The name itself is a result of a modern gag that
is representative of much of the humour in the movie - aliens
finding modern day Earth puzzling and funny though its various
modern day quirks. He plays both the captain and the ship
itself, shaped in his own likeness. On both counts Eddie is
excellent in his somewhat limited capacity, crippled by an
uninspiring script and weak humour. Eddie's still got it though
and you know he still has the ability to be funny in all sorts
of crazy, different ways - do watch for some nifty robot speech,
movements and dancing.
Gabrielle Union does a decent, natural job as the ship's Number
3, sticking with Murphy as his eventual love interest and
helping him foil a mutiny by the ship's Number 2, played by
Ed Helms who was rather annoying more than anything throughout
the movie. The story really suffers past the first ten minutes
of spaceship banter. Writers Rob Greenberg and Bill Corbett
really expect the audience to throw disbelief out of the window
- and there is nothing wrong with that. There is little that's
normal about miniature aliens travelling in an Eddie Murphy
shaped spaceship. Yet, these movies are only really funny
when it seems really believable in its own insane world.
Brian Robbins banks too much on the Eddie Murphy charm and
it does more to harm the movie than anything. The city seems
dead and cardboard, Elizabeth Bank's character Gina, who is
the Earth woman interacting with Murphy's character, seemed
a convenient and unreliable foil to advance the movie. When
you knock someone ten feet in the air and he walks away, only
for you to find him at a back alley standing like a mannequin,
would you invite him into your house? Just let Murphy tell
us he is a pantomime artist or something - just give the scenes
in the story proper premises to stand on.
Meet Dave labours on to the end, making a bright, earnest
performance by Murphy seem a waste. The movie however, manages
a few bits of family niceties, mostly through a honest pursuant
and friend of Gina (where we finally see nice, morally upright
goody two shoes for once) and Gina's little son who befriends
Murphy (or the spacecraft really). The cinema sorely needs
more films that score on humour that no longer plays the crass
card or the sexual card while being both genuinely funny and
telling a good story. Meet Dave has the right intentions,
but the wrong execution.
Meet Dave might be a laboured production that scores low on
story and writing but hopefully it doesn't in anyway discourage
the likes of Murphy from thinking the audience appreciates
and needs such goodness. Locally, we see how Jack Neo has
once again hit jackpot when he goes back to the roots of making
a good, family friendly movie with a strong, credible story.
Meet Dave might disappoint, but its still a good film to bring
the kids to and let them laugh along to it without having
to endure Mike Myers' style crass toilet humour. Keep going
and don't stop, our nutty professor.
(You might want to cover your kids' eyes during the
rather violent accident though)
Review by Daniel Lim