Genre: CG Animation
Director: Aristomenis Tsirbas
Cast: Justin Long, Brian Cox, Evan Rachel Wood, Luke Wilson, David Cross, Amanda Peet, James Garner, Dennis Quaid, Chris Evans, Danny Glover
RunTime: 1 hr 25 mins
Released By: Shaw & InnoForm Media
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 23 July 2009
The film tells the story of Senn (Justin Long) and Mala (Evan
Rachel Wood), two rebellious alien teens living on the beautiful
planet Terra, a place that promotes peace and tolerance, having
long ago rejected war and weapons of mass destruction. But
when Terra is invaded by human beings fleeing a civil war
and environmental catastrophe, the planet is plunged into
chaos. During the upheaval, Mala befriends an injured human
pilot (Luke Wilson) and each learns the two races are not
so different from one another. Together they must face the
terrifying realization that in a world of limited resources,
only one of their races is likely to survive.
Movie Review:
What a relief it felt for an animated 3D film to be void of
silly pop cultural references. Enough is enough, and it's
high time that one could enjoy the eye popping visuals without
an unfunny attempt to draw cheap laughter. In many aspects,
Battle for Terra contains a lot of the same themes from peer
animated film such as Wall-E (in fact even having a robot
sidekick that sort of resembled it) and a premise that was
somewhat similar as well, but it left a lot of fuel for thought
after the credits rolled.
Such as the quintessential argument of whether you would,
for the sake of mankind and our very existence, go all out
to annihilate another species altogether. You don't really
need a science fiction film to set up a far out scenario to
put you in a spot. Just take a look at our own backyard on
earth and see what we're doing, or have already done, to our
animal kingdom. Needless to say we are quite a destructive
force to Mother Nature, and together with our propensity for
war over scarce resources, Battle for Terra tells of humankind
who have to abandon our wilted planet and solar system even,
in an Ark to flee and search for a new planetary home.
It's generations past, and now the Ark is close to breaking
down, which brings us humans close to the planet Terra. Aristomenis
Tsirbas' story sets it up really succinctly, firstly in having
the audience feel a lot for the Terrians, whom we get acquainted
with as peace loving creatures who float around, and have
genuine appreciation for arts and festivals celebrating life.
They're also much like us here, enjoying their peace at the
price of being a little bit docile, straight-laced, and totally
obedient to their chosen Elders' every instruction, except
for a few mavericks like Mala (voiced by Evan Rachel Wood).
That being said, for any species threatened with extinction,
they won't take things lying down and has plenty of fight
in them to stand their ground.
The film puts you firmly in the driver's seat and it's almost
impossible not to take sides in the argument for or against
the adoption of Terra as a new home. For the council of humans
led by President Chen (Danny Glover), it becomes a dilemma
of doing so without violence, as what General Hemmer (Brian
Cox) advocates in a hostile takeover. And so while some of
us might root for a more peaceful solution, the others, when
presented with compelling argument of extinction, would choose
to root for the latter because it is natural. It's a difficult
decision to make, leaving room for plenty of discussion on
which side you will be on, though the film decided to take
the more cop-out approach (hey, after all, kids are still
the target audience).
Initially there were some really troublesome religious allegories
in the storyline that was quite surprising, speaking of new
gods and the conscious choice of sacrifice to higher power,
though this gave way immediately to become nothing but an
inconsequential subplot of “alien” abduction. The friendship
between Mala and human starship-fighter Jim Stanton (Luke
Wilson) was also put on the fast-track, setting up some inter-galactic
Romeo and Juliet romance possibilities under the tragic umbrella
of an all out war for survival from both sides. In fact, their
interaction started from an Independence Day set piece of
one party out-flying the other through a maze like environment,
and culminating in a no-holds barred space fight that won't
look out of place in Star Wars.
And that of course is the money shot to exploit 3D to the
max, with depth of field, debris, explosions, dogfights and
pursuing missiles all thrown on screen for one massive, extended
battle sequence. Alas, the direction of Tsirbas failed somewhat
to take into account the potential for audience participation.
Rather than just let us sit there with our 3D glasses on,
witnessing the spectacle, he should have let us experience
it. Many golden opportune moments, such as unleashing missiles,
were sorely not aimed squarely toward the screen, choosing
instead to angle away. It'll definitely be something to have
an audience duck, or rush through a complex all round and
dangerous space fight through a first person perspective,
rather than a third person one.
But that's just a wee bit of a technical rant. Battle of Terra
still boasts of its sexy, contemporary themes like the warnings
for conservation, and science fiction elements like colonization,
space stations and such that would find a ready audience eager
to lap up the next 3D animated offering set in space. What
more, it has a stellar voice casting from many recognizable
Hollywood names, and coupled with some incredibly detailed
animation and design, Battle for Terra definitely deserves
a watch.
(A slick sci-fi animated film appealing through its adult
themes and stellar voice actors)
Review by Stefan Shih