Director: Dave Filoni
Cast: Matt Lanter, Ashley Eckstein, James
Arnold Taylor, Dee Bradley Baker, Nika Futterman, Ian Abercrombie,
Corey Burton, Catherine Taber, Samuel L. Jackson, Anthony
Daniels, Christopher Lee
RunTime: 1 hr 38 mins
Released By: Warner Bros
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 28 August 2008
Favorite characters, including Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
and Padmé Amidala, are on the front lines of an intergalactic
struggle between good and evil, along with brand new heroes
like Anakin’s padawan learner, Ahsoka. Sinister villains
– led by Palpatine, Count Dooku and General Grievous
– are poised to rule the galaxy. Stakes are high, and
the fate of the Star Wars universe rests in the hands of the
daring Jedi Knights. Their exploits lead to action-packed
battles and astonishing new revelations.
Movie Review:
Dear Mr Lucas,
has been 3 years since "Revenge of the Sith" closed
the chapter of the much anticipated sci-fi saga of all-time
and as a faithful "Star Wars" fan since the age
of six, I look very much forward to catch "Clone Wars"
on the big screen, the first animated "Star Wars"
movie to be shown as a theatrical release and I appreciate
your effort for that.
though I’m a minor vocal among a vast netizens community,
I like to express my sincere disappointments with "Star
Wars: The Clone Wars". I understand from online interviews
that you had a burning desire to tell the stories that spanned
after "Attack of the Clones" and before "Revenge
of the Sith". You claimed there are much more adventures,
characters and humour left to explore which is why "Clone
Wars" is just an introduction prior to a 22-animated
episodes to be shown on TV later in the year.
ardent "Star Wars" fan will know how the various
characters meet their fate later on. Anakin Skywalker of course
will turn to the dark side and so on and so forth. Most of
us in fact are yearning towards Ahsoka Tano, the teenage padawan
under the tutelage of Anakin and the much touted new villain
called Asajj Ventress, Dooku’s trusted assassin. However,
these two characters are largely left unexplored despite the
movie clocking in at 98 minutes too long perhaps the only
character that stood out from the rest is Clone Commander
Rex, the commander of the 501st Clone Trooper Legion to save
this animation from sinking entirely to the underwater city
of Otoh Gunga. Behind the Clone helmet, the guy is a cool
what’s frustrating is none other than the excruciating
pencil-thin plot which involves nothing else except saving
the son of Jabba the Hutt. Obviously, you haven’t learnt
your lesson of Jar Jar Binks. I do seriously hope this having
'cute' characters (besides the bearable Ewoks) in "Star
Wars" universe are not turning into a trend. Juvenile
humour, you must not go.
puzzling fact is the obvious video-game look which is utterly
unacceptable in this context. Lucasfilm and its renowned affiliates,
LucasArts and ILM are among the greatest technological companies
in the world and the 'paintbrush' effect applied here and
the 'wooden puppet' movement and zombie-like facial expressions
of the characters is simply appalling. The best in animation
technology should be applied to the world of "Star Wars"
even though you forsake the usage of photo-realism; at least
the style and design can be a lot better than what’s
presented on the big screen.
must say I’m personally terrible at numbers and I’m
not a qualified biz wiz but I’m sure with a budget of
only one million dollars to fund a single television episode
of the new animation series, Lucasfilm can easily recoup their
investment and technological 'research' in attempting the
animation series given the huge licensing fees the franchises
are. There will always be vulnerable fans like me who will
fork out thousands of dollars annually to succumb ourselves
to the force aka the "Star Wars" toys and merchandises.
There will always be a ready crowd to embrace "Star Wars"
properties. If you are planning to release all planned 100
episodes, please, I urge Mr Lucas to rethink your company’s
I got to give credit to your production team behind "Clone
Wars". I went geeked out when all the clone troopers
show off all their ammunition powers in their all-out assault
vehicles but these awe-aspiring scenes are few and far and
the ongoing battles just numbed the movie experience after
a short while. I’m sure "Clone Wars" must
have benefited from your creative inputs even though you are
never listed here as a screenwriter, I rather Mr Lucas lessen
your 'Jedi' mind tricks over your scriptwriters and director
next time. Give them a free rein to do the job. Never mind
the disappearance of the familiar Fox’s logo or John
Williams’ pounding score (although Kevin Kiner did a
decent job rehashing some of the tunes), fans liked me just
wants to see a more memorable effort coming out from Lucasfilm
and not just a mere disguised toy commercial or TV effort.
Lastly, I’m proud to see the work of our local animators
finally make its way to the big screen.
I end this letter, I pray that the "Star Wars" franchise
and property won’t end up as the following quote from
Darth Vader in "Star Wars Episode IV": 'This
will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi,
it will soon see the end of the Rebellion'.
Linus Tee
A faithful "Star Wars" fan boy since the age of
except for a cute Lucas Animation’s logo there’s
no additional footage after the credits rolled)
Movie Rating:
(Not satisfying enough to please old fans and not innovative
enough to win over new ones)