Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Masayuki Ochiai
Cast: Nozomi Sasaki, ShoAoyagi, Reina Triendl
RunTime: 1 hr 31 mins
Rating: NC-16 (Horror)
Released By: GV & Encore Films
Official Website: 

Opening Day: 24 July 2014

Synopsis: Yui (Nozomi Sasaki) takes on responsibility as a form teacher for a 3rd year primary school class at very short notice. One of the pupils, Toshio Saeki, has been refusing to come to school for a while so she visits him at home. Since that day, inexplicable phenomena start to happen to her. The house turns out to be the "cursed house" where everyone who sets foot in the place dies in strange circumstances. Saeki family's past gradually comes into the open. Strange cases unfold one after another. But Yui comes back to the house and enters, as if she is drawn in by the house. Is this happening due to the karma of those who died holding a strong grudge? What is the hidden secret of the "cursed house".

Movie Review:

In recent years, we have experienced a fair bit of disappointments from the J-horror releases. From the unremarkable extensions of classics such as The Ring (1998), to the mundane new additions to the franchise of Ju-On (2003) which features the iconic pale white kid. Ju-On 3: The Beginning of the End, contrary to what the name suggests, is the seventh installment of the franchise of Ju-On. This is the first film that has no involvement from the series creator, Takashi Shimizu. Instead, a familiar name in Japanese horror film making, Masayuki Ochiai (director of Infection, 2006) takes over. Will J-Horror films ever come back with something equivalent to one of those we’ve seen in the golden era of J-Horror?

For those who are familiar with the Ju-On franchise, you may already know that it adopts a format where the narrative is being ‘chopped up’, going back and forth to tell a story. Hence it might frustrate the viewer a little, trying to keep up and link the dots. This time, the story focuses on Yui (Nozomi Sasaki), an elementary school teacher who will slowly uncover the true reason for one of her student’s absence from school. She pays the family a visit at their house, only to unravel the tragedy that happened 10 years ago. The vengeful spirits are still out to haunt for the next victims – seems like anyone who enters the ‘cursed house’ will not come out unscathed.

The movie begins with a hand-held camera styled sequence, which closely follows the first group of people who discovered the body of a child being left to die in the summer heat. Brace yourself for the first ‘boo’ scare of the movie, which sets out the tone and atmosphere of the movie. As much as we humans have this tendency to be masochistic (i.e. it’s so spooky but it’s so good), the truth is we won’t deliberately walk into an obvious trap/danger. Hence in that respect, you may find some sequences in the movie rather illogical. Nonetheless, the whole horror atmosphere was well maintained from beginning to end – giving you the chills and keeping you in good suspense. This was supported by the seamless use of horror tracks and sound effects, one of the hallmarks of Japanese horror movies.

Director Masayuki Ochiai takes a slightly different approach as Takashi Shimizu when it comes to the scares. Masayuki has a penchant to use more graphic scenes to create the shock and impact. While it does create an impression, the prolonged screen time of some of the grossly gruesome scenes numb the eyes. The converse of having less is more will probably work better in this aspect.

Nevertheless, this new addition to the Ju-On franchise is not too shabby a J-Horror. Though any may say that this still does not match up with the first theatrical release of Ju-On in 2003, Ju-On 3 has set another milestone for the Ju-On cult for giving it a more edgy and modern remake, redefining it for the new generation that have never encountered what Ju-On is. While many of the horror sequences have to do with daily activities, be glad that a lot of them are not the common experience in Singapore – hence it won’t haunt you through those endless nights. 

Movie Rating:

(Despite having a weak plot, Ju-On 3 manages to nab a high score on the scare-o-meter. Haven’t been scared in a long while? It’s time to test your guts.)

Review by Tho Shu Ling



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