Director: Oliver Stone
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Michael Peña,
Maria Bello, Maggie Gyllenhaal
RunTime: 2 hrs 9 mins
Released By: UIP
Rating: PG
"WORLD TRADE CENTER" Soundtrack Review
Date: 5 October 2006
Award®-winning director Oliver Stone tells the true story
of the heroic survival and rescue of two Port Authority policemen
– John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno – who were trapped
in the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001,
after they went in to help people escape. The film also follows
their families as they try to find out what happened to them
in the debris field. Their story shows how the best in people
rose above the tragic events of that day.
movie opens without much fanfare, as if to accentuate a moment
of silence to the victims of that dark day in modern history.
In events like these which reverberate throughout the world,
it's hardly any surprise that almost everyone would remember
what they were doing when they heard the news for the first
If you're thinking that this movie glorifies those intense
bewildering moments when the planes hit the Towers, then you'll
probably be surprised that the film rarely regurgitates in
verbatim the images that the world saw through news networks
as the event unfolded. There is no recreation beyond what
is deemed necessary to further the plot, nor is there a need
to showcase the latest of what technology can do to turn this
into a special effects extravaganza. Subtleness is key here,
and there are plenty of what you don't see explicitly, but
are able to hear, feel, or just
World Trade Center takes a very microscopic look at the ordeal
of Port Authority police officers John McLoughlin (Nicolas
Cage) and Will Jimeno (Michael Pena) during September 11.
This true life story recounts how these 2 men fought to stay
alive, as well as alternating the spotlight on their wives
and family members as they react to the news of their missing
status. Truth be told, this movie could have been titled anything
else but "World Trade Center", and would still work,
if not just to capitalize on the name.
Running concurrently is a small subplot of the US Marine who
first discovered the survivors, Dave Karnes (Michael Shannon),
about his detests and pronouncement that America is at war,
but surprise, director Oliver Stone didn't spice the movie
up with any suggested conspiracy theories. In fact, this is
probably one of his most vanilla plain works, given known
controversies over his past films, especially the recent Alexander.
Nicolas Cage's previous movies in The Weather Man and Lord
of War didn't make it to the theatres here, but World Trade
Center is understandably difficult to pass. While his acting
range is severely limited to having more than 1/2 the screen
time spent being trapped in a confined space, what worked
is the first portion where you can actually feel his fear
and confusion of facing an emergency of such scale, yet having
to show courage in leading his men, as if he knows just exactly
what he's doing. This sense of being totally perplexed and
the bombardment of sketchy details and rumours, is captured
very much convincingly by the supporting cast who have roles
as the first responders.
But leave it to the ladies to trump the family drama angle,
with Maria Bello and Maggie Gyllenhaal as the wives of McLoughlin
and Jimeno respectively, as we experience how the home front
coped with anticipation of dire news. Having their moods swing
from one end to another, from glimmers of optimism to moments
of despair, pretty much sums up the emotional range required.
It's extremely difficult to judge a movie based on a recent
tragic event. There'll probably be two camps split when watching
this movie - one that feels totally detached emotionally,
because of how one knows about the outcome, and the other
camp who are within the degrees of separation, or one who
totally buys into the themes of hope and courage as personified.
(Frills-free and gimmick-free, World Trade Center brings about
an adequately decent look into the infamous tragedy)
by Stefan Shih