In Japanese with English Subtitles
Genre: Animation
Director: Fumihiko Sori
Cast (Voices): Meisa Kuroki, Yasuko Matsuyuki,
Romi Pak
Runtime: 1 hr 49 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films & Innoform
Rating: NC16 (Some Violence)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 27 December 2007
Japan, 2077: Japan has become a renegade nation closed to
the rest of the world. Shielded from penetration by air, sea
and space for 10 years, the island nation has become a dangerous
mystery to the United Nations. The country's isolation resulted
when it fell out with other countries over the development
of robotics and its determination to continue creating them
even when they were banned everywhere else. The fear is that
it has now taken its creation of human androids to extreme
and the only way to find answers is to send in a crack team
of fighters to hook up with Japanese underground rebels and
find out what's going on. Enter Vexille, a female special
agent, whose squad uses ultra-high-tech uniforms, weapons
and vehicles to rocket into battle.
Movie Review:
“Ultimately, the sociopolitical aspect of Vexille is
so flat you feel like a listless cyborg at the end of the
movie, robbed of your inner cyberpunk soul and wondering when
you’ll discover that the genre is not dead and buried
by standard-issue repetitive fare.”
When it comes to cyberpunk, the Japanese anime genre is literally
a colossal behemoth in its right. Arguably inspiring the likes
of The Matrix and spawning countless OVAs, movies, fanboys
can literally give lectures on the far-reaching impact of
a socially and politically intricate genre fuelled by a technologically
gifted and socially complex nation that is Japan. Fumihiko
Sori, of Appleseed VFX credit, presents Vexille, a 2D on 3D
anime in the veins of Ghost in the Shell 2 that delivers more
of the same cyberpunk fare – this time with a upped
level of celluloid flashiness but somewhat lacking in the
intuitive rawness and perception of the Ghost in the Shell
franchise, for example.
For a start, Vexille is visually entertaining and delivers
on that front. However, truth be told, it is not any more
impressive than what we’ve come to expect of anime in
the past half decade. As such, it comes off as a pretty commercial
run-of-the-mill production of an established genre. The lead
character, female detective cum security officer Vexille,
is certainly no Motoko. While the Major was alluring in a
dangerous, mysterious manner that draws you into her troubled
psyche masked by a brave and formidable exterior, Vexille
is unexpectedly flat. Lacking a strong foil that Masamune
Shirow’s Batou played to a T, Vexille does little to
draw the audience into developing a strong interest and following
for the plot-line that drives the story.
Truth be told, for a any plot conflict or storyline to truly
be ground-breaking and inspiring enough it takes more than
one about technology-advanced Japan sealing itself from the
rest of the world after discovering technology that fuses
humans with robotics. Yes, its overdone, repetitive and, in
Vexille, underdeveloped. The visually intriguing pseudo cell-shading
and dark-deep colours add to the highlighting of the disparity
in visual execution and storyline. Its like the popcorn chomping
“blockbuster” for summer, you get from start to
end in a cookie-cutter plot where you pretty much know what
goes on an a super stylized and typical lead just drags us
through the story as we nod and try to cheer along. In the
world of anime and especially cyberpunk, this definitely isn’t
For the casual anime follower, Vexille will still pretty much
offer a sufficient anime fix, albeit an uninspiring one. For
the Ghost in The Shell fan, getting from scene to scene becomes
increasingly unbearable – all caused by a deep yearning
for the Major to jump in and kick some major butt and wake
all these guys up from there pseudo-sophistication and dramatizing
of a plot that looks trivial in comparison. Nothing surprises,
stuns or draws you into thinking to a point of poking yourself
to check that you don’t quite have a skeleton of alloy
metals. You don’t quite even worry for Vexille when
frankly, it should be a “dangerous”, probing mission
that tries to unveil a hidden technological development that
threatens to derail mankind. Nope, it all simply shuffles
along like a well produced, shiny, fresh from the factory
anime – think Final Fantasy and the listless spirits
the sociopolitical aspect of Vexille is so flat you feel like
a listless cyborg at the end of the movie, robbed of your
inner cyberpunk soul and wondering when you’ll discover
that the genre is not dead and buried by standard-issue repetitive
fare. Except that Vexille probably didn’t intend to
break new ground or explore frontiers in a legendary genre,
so just enjoy it and soak in another human-cyborg adventure.
Then head home to gaze at that Major Kusanagi poster in your
room and wish out a Ghost in The Shell Three.
you’ve been fired and replaced by Major Kusanagi"
– I wish)
Review by Daniel Lim