Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Robert De
Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sienna Miller, Ian McKellen, Ricky
Gervais, Jason Flemyng, Peter O'Toole
2 hrs 8 mins
Released By: UIP
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 1 November 2007
on Neil Gaiman's novel of the same name, Stardust, follows
the adventures of Tristran Thorn, a young man who lives in
the village of Wall, located on the borders of Faerie. In
order to win her love, Tristran makes a promise to the girl
of his dreams, to retrieve a fallen star by venturing into
the magical realm, where he has to contend with witches, goblins,
gnomes, talking animals and evil trees.
Movie Review:
Having obsessed over Neil Gaiman’s quirky fantasy masterpiece
Stardust for as long as I could remember, I was understandably
over the moon when I caught wind of the fact that this particular
literary gem had made it to the big screen and was about to
hit our shores soon. However, due to unforeseen circumstances,
what started off as eager anticipation in June dragged out
to “When is it ever going to arrive?” when the
opening failed to happen. By the time October came round,
I was so pent up with so much eager frustration that I felt
that I couldn’t properly get excited over the main event
itself. But arrive at our shores it did, and like a long-neglected
lover, I dutifully went ahead with the ride.
So was it all worth it? In a nutshell – yes, yes and
yes. While true-blue Gaiman fans may decry the loss of many
pivotal events that seemed entirely essential in the novel,
Stardust the film won me over in an entire different, albeit
still extremely satisfying way. While much has been adapted
and condensed in the film, the essentials remain the same.
Tristan Thorn (newcomer Charlie Cox) is a young English village
boy whose only desire is to win the heart of his true love,
Victoria (Sienna Miller). She charges him with the task of
retrieving a shooting star, which fell to Earth somewhere
beyond the crumbling infrastructure that surrounds their village,
Wall. Tristan agrees and embarks on a journey into the unknown,
venturing into the magical realm of Stormhold.
In the meantime, a battle for royal succession is taking place
in Stormhold between 7 princes, where the king (Peter O’Toole)
lies on his deathbed – we also find out that only 3
of those princes are alive when the story begins. The rest
tag along on the various adventures their surviving brothers
undertake, providing comic relief in the form of a hilarious
black-and-white Greek chorus. The star falls to earth and
takes on the form of irritable blonde Yvaine (Claire Danes
with an inconsistent English accent), understandably annoyed
by the fact that she had been knocked out of her home and
– to compound matters – had been immediately chained
up by Tristan to bring back home as a gift to Victoria.
We also learn that 3 Macbeth-esque witches are after Yvaine
– led by the evil Lamia (Michelle Pfeifer), their task
is to cut out her still-beating heart and consume it in a
bid to preserve their already-unnatural youth. Pfeifer shows
admirable comedic timing – in between her evil-magic
flourishes, she still manages to be concerned enough over
her rapidly-degenerating looks to evoke the occasional twitter
or two.
Yvaine decides to stick with Tristan as he turns out to be
the best bet to her way home. Understandably, the lad does
have much to recommend him at this point in time considering
he’s probably the only one who does not want her head.
Tristan and Yvaine squabble like a long-married couple all
throughout their journey – no love lost there. While
this may have been comically touching in the novel, it just
translates poorly on-screen, and does not especially endear
the shrill and – dare I say - downright crabby Yvaine
to the audience.
Along the way, they encounter a pirate ship captained by the
fey Captain Shakespeare (Robert de Niro), who not only turns
out to be a sweet soul at heart, he also runs some kind of
finishing school for wannabe debutantes. Aboard the ship,
Tristan makes the transformation from Edwardian geek to Byronian
swashbuckler, and Yvaine, well, learns to dance mostly. While
de Niro obviously looks like he’s having a lot of fun
hamming it up for the role, would-be viewers nevertheless
must be warned about an over-the-top campy can-can scene featuring
the former Academy Award winner, which would have won my vote
for singular worst scene of the year had Hairspray featuring
John Travolta in drag not come out first.
Harking back to perennial classics such as The Princess Bride
and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Stardust is all at
once a whimsical fable of conniving princes, cackling witches,
swishy pirates and a not-so-simple village boy who sets out
on a quest to win the heart of his true love, only to find
that his true love has been standing in front of him all the
while. As with most such cinematic epics, Stardust wraps up
all its loose ends with a resounding, albeit slightly unbelievable
finale that just makes the sappy-hearted in us go “Awwwwwwwwwwww”.
Highly recommended indeed.
Movie Rating:
fantasy epic with a touch of swish)
Review by Ninart Lui