Genre: Drama/Romance
Director: Richard LaGravenese
Cast: Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Gina Gershon,
Lisa Kudrow, Harry Connick, Jr., Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kathy
Bates, James Marsters
RunTime: 2 hrs 6 mins
Released By: Shaw
Rating: PG (Sexual References)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 14 February 2008
Holly Kennedy (Hilary Swank) is beautiful, smart, and married
to the love of her life—a passionate, funny and impetuous
Irishman named Gerry (Gerard Butler). So when Gerry's life
is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The
only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there.
Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing
he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series
of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief
but in rediscovering herself. The first message arrives on
Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake and, to her utter
shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to order
her to get out and "celebrate herself." In the weeks
and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered
in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and
each signing off in the same way: P.S. I Love You. Holly's
mother (Kathy Bates) and best friends, Sharon (Gina Gershon)
and Denise (Lisa Kudrow), begin to worry that Gerry's letters
are keeping Holly tied to the past, but, in fact, each letter
is pushing her further into a new future. With Gerry's words
as her guide, Holly embarks on a touching, exciting and often
hilarious journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage,
friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality
of death into new beginning for life.
Short Movie
Disclaimer: Read this Review as a whining man who didn’t
get this romantic chick flick. He is insensitive, heartless,
unromantic and very lonely* (brought forth by that three of
his qualities mentioned here)
Hilary Swank was horribly miscast as the romantic lead and
the Irish accent was a major distraction. The changes made
for the transition from source material was terrible and robbed
certain good parts from the book. But dutifully noted, there
is plenty of sniffling (ie: crying) going around in the cinema
which probably indicate it’s a great chick flick movie
and ideal for bringing the ladies to (especially it’s
going to be released during Valentine Day)
Movie Review
Second Disclaimer: This review is based on personal preference
and it might (probably) not reflect the views of the female
population in general. Please do not bash this review at some
forums without giving prior notice. Cheers RLJ
a movie like P.S I Love You, it seems that for once, Hollywood’s
favorite method of stereotyping actress for certain roles
was right after all. For the very same reason why Meg Ryan
had a memorable run with romantic comedy such as When Harry
Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle but was forgettable in
toughie roles that she played in Against the Ropes, cutesy
charming romantic damsel in distress character might not be
the role that Hilary Swank could pull off.
out the movie, there’s nothing more distracting from
relating to the lead character (which many male audience does
when they watch a movie), than to comprehend Gerry’s
affection for Holly (Hilary Swank). She may have two Oscar
for tough leading female roles but for roles as leading female
in a romantic comedy genre, she didn’t have the look
to appeal to audience nor the charm to endear herself to the
viewer. Very often, just when the movie was trying to infuse
some romance, her appearance often pull this male viewer to
one side and wonder, “Will I be doing all this for someone
who looks like that?” It’s very shallow but it’s
about the movies and given the short time frame, the leading
actress should have certain attractions for me to invest my
interest to follow this film.
the male audience might have difficulties in relating to Gerry,
the ladies in the cinema should not have any problem swooning
over Gerard Butler’s handsome looks and constant groveling
for his wife. That is something that even this male viewer
could pick up. However to nitpick this movie further, the
Irish accent that Gerard Butler was using in this movie was
screaming for that subtitle feature normally available on
Dvd (which incidentally not available in theatre). Since the
movie makers already took the liberty to change geographic
lodging location for Gerry and Holly, it makes one wonder
why they even bothered keeping the Irish accent in it?
of the changes that occurred from the book to the movie version,
one of the most puzzling character changes occurred in Daniel
(Harry Connick, Jr), the supposedly the new man in Holly’s
life. Daniel’s behavior in this movie which was neither
charming nor funny that make one relate how could he become
one of Holly’s potential male companions during the
progression of the movie. A little research on the net showed
that the novel’s Daniel was nothing like the screen
version and was more supportive than this emotionally immature
character that was presented to us.
research between the differences the two platforms for this
story revealed more unlikable changes that made this film
less charming than the source material. Holly’s mom
became unsupportive in the film media but that “change”
brought very little drama conflicts to build the story up
and instead took away the warmth of the family that was presented
in the book. Another moot point would be the inclusion of
Gerry’s Band member, William and the rendezvous both
William and Holly shared. It was too fast and some might find
it difficult to accept Holly’s action while she is supposedly
still grieving for her husband.
it was obvious that many of the ladies in the cinema that
didn’t share the same sentiment. Sniffling and crumble
used tissues were abundant in the cinema. Perhaps they were
touch by the romantic afterlife gestures or perhaps it’s
an incredible fascination to have hunks like Gerard Butler
to pamper them in such loving manner. Or even perhaps (and
most likely) they are wired differently from this reviewer.
But one thing is for sure (that even this reviewer agreed)!
Come Valentine Day, there isn’t a better movie to bring
your female date to than P.S I Love You.
Movie Rating:
(P.S a great date movie but suffer the men)
Review by Richard Lim Jr