Director: Michael Katleman
Cast: Dominic Purcell, Orlando Jones, Brooke
Langton, Jurgen Prochnow
RunTime: 1 hr 30 mins
Released By: BVI
Rating: PG
Day: 8 March 2007
In one of the most remote places on earth, a bloodthirsty
serial killer has claimed over 300 victims, and is still at
large to this day. Now, inspired by the true story of the
world's most prolific killer, comes "Primeval,"
a nail-biting horror-thriller that follows an American news
crew determined to capture this terrifying murderer alive.
The danger begins as producer Tim Freeman (Dominic Purcell,
"Prison Break"), cameraman Steven Johnson (Orlando
Jones) and their rag-tag team set out on a journey up-river
in search of their subject. But the deeper they probe into
the mystery of this elusive assassin, the deadlier their trip
Fearsome predators have always made movie monster
material. You have the great white shark, wolves, even piranhas
and prehistoric creatures like the T-Rex and the Velociraptors
from the Jurassic Park franchise, making their way to the
big screen in an effort to scare and thrill audiences. Few
become monster hits (pardon the pun), and most usually end
up as cheesy
B-grade movies in dusty corners of a video rental shop.
brings us to the current "It" continent for movies,
Africa, where a rag-tag television crew and their guides go
to war-torn Burundi in search for the elusive man-eater, termed
the Gustave by the locals. Loosely based on real incidents
of villagers - fishermen and river bathers victims, and an
actual crew who tried to bait and capture the creature unsuccessfully,
Gustave by definition, isn't the imaginary Loch Ness or Yeti,
but possibly Africa's largest freshwater crocodile, which
can grow to as long as 6 metres and weigh up to a tonne.
intial efforts and techniques, with quick cuts, fade to blacks,
and sudden camera movement with glimpses of the monster's
appearances were used to tease the audience, it fell very
short when the creature itself finally appeared, giving a
sort of an anti-climax to the build up. While Gustave proved
to be difficult to catch, the set action pieces turned out
rather cliched and predictable. You know the numbers were
required to become creature fodder, and you'll spend time
for the most parts, predicting who will meet a long awaited,
mangled death.
storyline decided to be a little more sophisticated than it
could handle, splitting attention between Gustave, and incorporating
the armed conflict between the Hutu insurgents and the Tutsi
government. These animosities we had seen before in
recent movies like Hotel Rwanda, and having the
characters face challenges from both Gustave and the
local militia, making them busy on different fronts,
divided an audience's attention, stealing the thunder
which should belong to the main star. So the end
result was a very superficial sub plot on politics,
and a monster which the filmmakers forgot how to
amplify mood and moments of primal slaughter.
with lesser monster movies, the actors here don't
really matter, as acting chops are not a pre-requisite
to star in such movies. Fans of Prison Break will
probably celebrate their idol Dominic Purcell's
presence on the big screen, expect nothing more than a
brawny figure, leading comedian Orlando Jones (who had
such bad lines they actually become funny), Brooke
Langton (what's a monster movie without the resident
babe?), and a host of others, in their reluctant
mission. And it suffered the indignity of not knowing
how to end, coming up with a contrived finale so bad,
you'll cringe at the obvious homage to Jurassic Park:
The Lost World.
warned though, with the family friendly rating here, expect
all the gore to be eliminated, and those fancy final killer
moves involving lethal chomping action to be severely muted
down to a limp munch.
(This monster lacks lethal chompers)
by Stefan Shih