Director: Gavin O'Connor
Cast: Edward Norton, Colin Farrell, Jon Voight,
Noah Emmerich, Jennifer Ehle, Frank Grillo, Rick Gonzalez,
Shea Wigham, Jessica Pimentel, John Ortiz, Lake Bell, Manny
Perez, Carmen Ejogo
RunTime: 2 hrs 10 mins
Released By: Warner Bros
Rating: M18 (Coarse Language and Violence)
Official Website:
Day: 18 December 2008
saga centered on a multi-generational family of New York City
Police officers. The family's moral codes are tested when
Ray Tierney (Edward Norton), investigates a case that reveals
an incendiary police corruption scandal involving his own
brother-in-law (Colin Farrell). For Ray, the truth is revelatory,
a Pandora's Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney
legacy but the entire NYPD.
Movie Review:
Being a MAJOR fan of Edward Norton, I was disappointed when
Pride and Glory’s release date was pushed back from
14 March 08 to an undisclosed date in 2009 by New Line Cinema.
However, somehow or another, they decided to once again meddle
with the release date… and brought it forward. Well,
good for us viewers who are sort of stuck with Christmas/light-hearted/romance
movies for this season but want something more menacing and
movie starts off quickly enough with a rousting and emotional
football match between the NYPD and I-can’t-quite-remember-which-other-district’s
police department – a showy display of masculinity,
violence, competition and obscenities that is a well-suited
prelude for what’s to come in the next 2 ½ hours.
Soon enough, the story quickly ascends to one of murder, corruption
and then, betrayal – with all the male members of the
Tierney family involved.
casting absolutely shine here: we have the stoic and old-fashioned
Francis Tierney Sr (played by Jon Voight who replaced original
actor Nick Nolte), a respectable cop, Francis Tienery Jr.
(Noah Emmerich), caught in the middle of personal ambition
and morals; and an aggressive and temperamental Irish spitfire
Jimmy Egan (played to the T by Colin Farrell) brother-in-law
to Francis Jr. and Ray. Of course, not forgetting, the rational,
soft-spoken and righteous dark horse, Ray Tierney, played
brilliantly by Edward Norton who once again transforms into
another character; this time, very much aided by a huge scar
on his left cheek (of which, its origins were briefly explained
in a pivotal scene) and an overall scruffy appearance.
it is not correct to say that the film was perfect; no, it
is everything but. Pride and Glory has a pretty much formulaic
plot and also often suffers from an overdose of unnecessary
melodrama and a tad too many racial clichés. Nonetheless,
it compensates with an adequate amount of action and thrilling
scenes and the introduction of interesting and well-developed
characters. Pride and Glory is synthetic entertainment, not
anywhere near a movie based on original and provocative material,
but nonetheless, entertaining entertainment.
you like American Gangster or The Infernal Affairs movie trilogy
(Note: Hong Kong version), you will definitely take kindly
to Pride and Glory. There’s the usual “morals,
ethnics, shaky definition of Right VS Wrong (a la: Is it wrong
to take bribes from gangsters/drug lords for protection especially
when they unjustifiably earn much more than an average cop?
Is it right to turn your own family in, and as a result, destroy
their lives, for the sake of righteousness and honesty?) ”
salad mix going on here with some family moments thrown in;
thus, the cops in NYPD aren’t just men armed with badges
and guns; they are vulnerable men with everyday problems faced
with inescapable temptations arising from the gritty and seedy
underbelly of the New York.
don’t walk into the cinema expecting clear-cut cookie
cutter characters – most of the baddies aren’t
as bad as the some of the cops (something point-blankly highlighted
in a particularly heart-thumping scene involving a baby and
a steaming iron) –, and … some sort of heartwarming
family drama because in Pride and Glory, no one is to be trusted,
including your family members.
Movie Rating:
(Betrayal messes things up)
Review by Casandra Wong