Genre: Comedy
Director: Jeff Lowell
Cast: Eva Longoria Parker, Paul Rudd, Lake
Bell, Lindsay Sloane, Jason Biggs
RunTime: 1 hr 35 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 8 May 2008
when his fiancée Kate (Eva Longoria Parker) is killed
on their wedding day, Henry (Paul Rudd) reluctantly agrees
to consult a psychic named Ashley (Lake Bell) at the urging
of his sister Chloe (Lindsay Sloane). Despite his skepticism
over her psychic abilities, Henry finds himself falling hard
for Ashley, and vice versa. But there is a big snag. Ashley
is being haunted by Kate's ghost, who considers it her heavenly
duty to break up Henry and Ashley's fledgling romance, if
it is the last thing she does on this earthly plane....
Movie Review:
The rules of thumb in Hollywood when it comes to rehashing
previous movie ideas are clear - either produce a sequel,
a remake or improvise by making some variations to a proven
classic. "Over Her Dead Body" falls in the last
category, with the proven classic in question being the 1990
hit romance-fantasy film "Ghost" starring Patrick
Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg. While "Ghost"
made some moviegoers shed tears, "Over Her Dead Body"
tries to tickle a funny bone or two.
Her Dead Body" opens with a wedding preparation gone
horribly wrong. Kate (Eva Longoria Parker) gets killed in
an accident, leaving her fiance Henry (Paul Rudd) in grief.
To help him move on with his life, his sister Chloe encourages
him to consult a psychic named Ashley (Lake Bell) so that
he can communicate with Kate's soul and obtain closure. Henry
reluctantly gives in to the idea, unexpectedly falling in
love with Ashley in the process. Ashley wants to reciprocate
towards a relationship but little does Ashley know that Kate,
being the jealous lady that she always is, has come back from
the dead as a free-roaming spirit to stop Ashley from getting
together with Henry, thinking that this is what she should
do to protect Henry and earn herself a ticket to heaven. Thus,
a conflict ensues between Kate and Ashley, who is the only
person able to see Kate while others cannot.
is one of the rare times that Eva Longoria Parker takes on
a leading role in a feature film following supporting turns
in "The Sentinel" and "Harsh Times". Apparently,
she plays it safe by sticking to her demanding and snobbish
persona from the “Desperate Housewives” TV show.
As a result, she doesn't stretch her acting range enough to
make an impact. It is also hard for the average viewer to
feel sorry for her Kate character. The real star in this movie
is Lake Bell. Besides displaying her charm whenever she is
onscreen, she has the fortune of having the most developed
character and arguably the most amount of screentime in the
entire film, therefore encouraging viewers to root for Ashley
instead of Kate. Paul Rudd, on the other hand, plays it straight
as the nice guy who doesn't shine very often. As in Eva Longoria
Parker's case, he simply transfers his alter ego from the
"Friends" TV sitcom to this film.
course, I have to mention Jason Biggs. Where does he fit into
this film? Well, he's Ashley's partner in her side catering
business as well as her gay best friend who's always there
to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on. From the film’s
standpoint, he’s the bumbling comical one. (And no,
he doesn’t get intimate with a pie for him to achieve
that, if you are wondering.)
a romantic comedy, “Over Her Dead Body” delivers
what is expected from it. There are some laughable moments
to be found, but not many that can induce stomach pains. Special
effects are sparingly used when it comes to conveying Kate’s
supernatural abilities such as levitation and passing through
solid objects that they don’t take the focus away from
the cast’s performance. Overall, this is a lighthearted,
feel-good film that is fairly impressive only because of Lake
Bell’s participation. Speaking of which, this can be
a vehicle for her to be on the Hollywood map. Previously best
known for her works on TV such as “Boston Legal”
and “Surface”, she may go far with her attractive
looks and commendable acting. The same cannot be said for
Eva Longoria Parker who needs to put in more variety in her
acting for her future roles.
Movie Rating:
(A typical romantic comedy in which there is not a ghost of
a chance you see something breathtaking aside from uncovering
a star in the making in Lake Bell)
Review by Tan Heng Hau