Genre: Comedy/Romance
Director: Mark Helfrich
Cast: Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Dan Fogler
1 hr 50 mins
Released By: Columbia TriStar
Rating: R21
(Sexual Scenes and Nudity)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 13 December 2007
A guy who breaks up with his longtime lady is shocked to hear
that she gets engaged to her next boyfriend. He finds himself
repeating this pattern and realizes that hopeful single women
seek him out to date so that they'll soon find Mr. Right.
If any guy tells you they do not secretly wish to have uncanny
abilities that Chuck the dentist (Dane Cook) has, he ought
to be lying through his teeth. Or at least up until the part
where he meets his dream girl. The "powers" here
involve being the man whom women want to sleep with willingly
in order to find true love, often the very next man that they
date, and having your popularity spread because you're elevated
to stud-status through good worth of mouth. Naturally there
are some morality issues here about exploiting the condition
for personal pleasure and gain, but as Chuck's good friend
Stu (Dan Fogler) explains, sex is still sex, whether it comes
with emotional attachment or not.
it's a no brainer why this movie is rated R21, as Chuck heeds
Stu's fine advice and puts his ability to good use - helping
woman find true love - through endless rounds of sex in every
conceivable position and location, bringing about gratuitous
scenes of nudity so much so that it has to be squeezed into
split panels and montages just to fit everything on screen.
And add to that, having a foul mouthed friend whose mind is
perpetually in the gutter, comes along dialogue full of sexual
innuendos, no doubt assisted by Stu's occupation of being
a breast augmenting specialist, giving them a "tit and
teeth" reputation.
before you roll your eyes at yet another teenage sex comedy
with the teens now being grown adults, Good Luck Chuck actually
contains a tender, somewhat formulaic romantic story about
a man cursed into not being able to get physical (ok, you
might not call that a curse if you subscribe to abstaining
from sex before marriage) with his lady love, as doing so
will lead her to somebody else. It's quite a simple boy meets
girl story, spruced up by having lady love played by Jessica
Alba, whose Cam is a walking Calamity Jane. I thought that
while her scenes were more slapstick especially during her
introduction when we get chummy, somehow I felt sorry for
Alba that she still hasn't gotten a break with a meaningful
role, and continues being stuck with throwaway characters
such as this one, being susceptible to just about every knock
and bump that this movie can inflict on her, just for a few
cheap laughs.
of course, no she doesn't get down to her birthday suit, so
if you had held your breath for it, please start breathing.
Between Chuck and Cam, as mentioned, the romance angle turns
on the cliches into overdrive, that you have the usual games
people play during courtship, and many overused lines and
thoughts about love, such as the feeling of being smothered,
the need for space, the possessiveness (this actually is tied
in to the plot), and the number one of them all - if you love
her you gotta set her free if she returns then you know she's
yours blah blah blah. In some ways, these have become tried-and-tested
"truths", that after what had gone on in the story,
you'll on one hand agree and go with it, while on the other
you'll realize that it becomes a preachy soapbox that sets
the correct expectations just how the movie will turn out.
Luck Chuck is unapologetic about being incorrect, especially
with its very promiscuous take on love and sex, and the very
obvious Shallow Hal/Norbit style of pulling the rug from under
fat people, painting them to be supremely unattractive, as
the trailer suggested so obviously. Bear in mind that this
movie is not for everyone, especially those who cannot stand
stories being superficial, or find the aspects that it pokes
fun at being absolute turn-offs. If I may be cliche and offer
this advice, then please leave you brains at the door if you
intend to enjoy the ride.
can somebody put the same hex on me, pretty please?
Movie Rating:
Luck Chuck is Good Time Chuck, if you subscribe to its brand
of unapologetic comedy)
Review by Stefan Shih