Director: James Wong
Starring: Ryan Merriman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead,
Texas Battle, Jamie Isaac Conde, Gina Holden, Alexander Kalugin,
Dustin Milligan
RunTime: 1 hr 33 mins
Released By: Warner Bros
Rating: NC-16 (Some Gory Scenes)
Day: 23 February 2006
Six years after the events of Final Destination (2000), Wendy
(Winstead), a high school senior, has a premonition of a fatal
roller-coaster accident involving herself and all her friends.
When the premonition proves true, those who survive the accident
are forced to deal with the repercussions of escaping their
fate. But fate is not so easily thwarted, and as Wendy and
Kevin (Merriman) desperately try to interpret the clues that
might save lives, one-by-one their friends meet fantastically
gruesome ends.
say you buy a ticket for a movie. Unfortunately, one of the
employees left a mess in the auditorium after mopping a major
spillage of coke and sprite all over the counter. Some water
seeps over into an electrical plug that starts a fire, which
in turn burns up to the ventilation system and starts melting
some wires, sending the whole cinema wailing by the alarm.
You escape by heading through the exit. Relieved by being
the first to escape, you pushed open the heavy emergency door,
only to knock down a scaffold outside and seeing a sledge
hammer heading straight down on you.
Welcome to the world of Final Destination.
You have to possess a rather morbid sense of humor to enjoy
the Final Destination films; a club I am proud to admit myself
a member of. The first was a clever twist on the slasher genre,
placing fortunate teenagers who created death into a neither
run-nor-hide scenario. The great appeal about the Final Destination
series is its creativity. Back when the original film came
out, the state of horror films was rather grim. The success
of Scream unleashed a stream of self-referential clones that
completely left out the satirical spark responsible for Scream
being so good in the first place. Final Destination was different,
featuring not a masked slasher as the antagonist but rather
Death itself, represented as an invisible force that could
turn any elements of one's life into a potential deathtrap.
While raising some interesting questions about fate and whether
death could be cheated, the movie still managed to scare the
bejeebers out of people. As with other great horror films,
the sequels aren't as good as the original, but they're entertaining
This third chapter, which brings back on board its original
creators (director James Wong & co-writer Glen Morgan),
does justice to the formula established by its predecessors,
blending together the delicate arts of thrilling an audience
and devising a series of death scenes that aren't the same
old thing people have seen a dozen times before in a dozen
similar flicks.
Sure, this being the third round of high schoolers cheating
Death only to feel its wrath, Final Destination 3 does show
a little wear and tear within the story. The discussions of
fate and the nature of death seem more than ever like filler
designed to tide the audience over until the next kill scene.
The death setups begin to reveal their familiar structure,
as if a musician were performing the same piece over and over,
well enough to be appreciated but still a bit on the tiring
side. Things that make the third installment more easily digested
than its predecessors: the best high tension build up to the
disaster opening sequence of the series which introduce the
characters with economy and generated suspense before and
during the doomed roller coaster ride, actors for whom acting
school is not uniformly recommended, dialogue that is sometimes
not laughable, and an ending that (finally) doesn't cheat.
Then, of course, there are the deaths, which are a delicious
mixture of red herrings and deviousness. The fun with these
isn't figuring out who is going to get it, but how they're
going to get it. James Wong approaches the moment of maximum
bloodletting with a macabre sense of humor. Final Destination
3 replaces the unintentional chortles of its predecessors
with intentional humor, and that's to its benefit.
Still, I was not let down by Final Destination 3. On the contrary,
the return of James Wong and Glen Morgan, the guys who helped
craft the first film was a pleasant comeback. They took to
their duties as horror maestros with only a few hiccups. And
the deaths are as grimly inventive and outrageously gory as
ever (note: you might not want to go through a fast food drive-thru
after seeing this movie); the pacing is kept at a tight level;
and the characters are actually sympathetic.
The recommendation for this film is as easy as they come.
If you're a Final Destination fan, it's unlikely that #3 will
disappoint. If you like horror/thrillers with plenty of cartoonish
blood and gore, this will hit the spot. Unless Death takes
an extended vacation, we're likely to get another one of these
in a couple of years. Though imperfect and at times a bit
restrained in comparison to the other titles in its series
(the epic car pileup in FD2 is a hard act to follow), Final
Destination 3 emerges as a slick, tense horror film that proves
not all sequels stink. I believe it's sure to please most
genre fans. Based on the box office tallies of the first two
pictures and the expected gross of this one, it's unlikely
that this series will be heading its final destination.
So now will you excuse me, there’s a thunder storm approaching
and I smell something burning in the kitchen.
a new breed of horror series, FD3 has yet again injected paranoia
into everyone where death could be waiting anywhere and anytime.
What fun!)
by Lokman B S