Genre: Thriller
Director: D.J. Caruso
Cast: Shia LaBeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer,
Carrie-Anne Moss, Aaron Yoo
RunTime: 1 hr 45 mins
Released By: UIP
Rating: PG (Some Frightening Scenes)
Opening Day: 2 August 2007
After his father's death, Kale (Shia LaBeouf) becomes sullen,
withdrawn, and troubled - so much so that he finds himself
under a court-ordered sentence of house arrest. His mother,
Julie (Carrie-Anne Moss), works night and day to support herself
and her son, only to be met with indifference and lethargy.
walls of his house begin to close in on Kale. He becomes a
voyeur as his interests turn outside the windows of his suburban
home towards those of his neighbors, one of which Kale begins
to suspect is a serial killer. But, are his suspicions merely
the product of cabin fever and his overactive imagination?
Movie Review:
In the world where young movie goers recognise directors like
Micheal Bay, Steven Speilberg and Jerry Bruichimer, there
was once a visionary named Alfread Hichcock who brougt you
a movie, Rear Window. Alas a few decades later a rampage of
eminent remakes emerged as holywoods juices ran dry and then
came Rear Window..i mean Disturbia. a much updated young crowd
targeted film. But its been argued about that remakes aren't
nessasarily be such a bad thing. As goes with this. Key plots
may be the same but with substancial tweaking, i'll have to
admit, it make a pretty entertaining flick.
tells the story of a teenager name Kale (LaBeouf) who is sentenced
to house arrest during the summer. Bored out of his mind,
he takes to voyeurism with the neighbors. Things look up when
the young hottie (Sarah Roemer) who just moved in next door
comes over to make friends. However, things take a grisly
turn when, while spying on his next door neighbor (David Morse),
he sees evidence that the guy might be a serial killer.
many thrillers go too far too quickly these days. I’ve
seen too many films this year already that splatter the screen
with gore from the opening credits. Caruso, the director,
resists this temptation with Disturbia. In fact, he pulls
away from it so much that he achieves a fine level of modern
suspense. The strength of Disturbia is its down-to-earth humor
and well-conveyed atmosphere of his constrained life that
builds up to the thrills. Most of the film builds up the quirky
meanderings of a kid stuck in his home for an entire summer
and isn't spent thrilling you every other moment. It's Shia
LaBeouf that plays the role of Kale so well that you can almost
feel the same as him, laughing louder and smiling more when
he gets caught staring at Ashley or as he devises crazy schemes
to pass the time and hit on her. Even the story itself, the
lead up to the reveal and the progression of the characters
is stronger than every other mundane and typical thriller.
And when it finally gets to it, the film gears up into a full
on thriller and still delivers.
Morse makes a great villain. He’s played the heavy before,
and he’s one of those rare actors that can sell me on
both the good guy and the bad guy. I wish there was more of
him in the movie. However, keeping with the “Rear Window”
tradition, his screen time is somewhat scarce. Like Raymond
Burr in the Hitchcock classic, we see most of Morse from afar.
When we do get to see him act up close, it’s not enough
for what he’s worth as an actor. Also worth saying is
to see Carrie-Anne Moss back in mainstream film. After slumming
it in the indies during “The Matrix” years, her
career does not seem to have died with the character of Trinity.
Moss has great screen presence, and she does the best with
her role in “Disturbia.” Sadly, like David Morse,
she’s not given something that really shows off her
best acting. Among the great cast, Aaron Yoo stands out as
Kale's wacky friend Ronnie who often joins him at his house
and assists in the pursuit of love and entertainment. His
comedy is so natural in all of the scenes and he hits hard
with the biggest laughs. Ronnie is the best friend that every
kid has had. There's also the incredibly attractive Sarah
Roemer who stands out strongly enough to make me want to go
back and watch it again and again just for her deceptive teases.
you’re worried about the sanctity of Hitchcock’s
classic being sullied you’re just going to have to get
over it. Movies get remade. They always have and they always
will. Even Hitchock himself remade his film The Man Who Knew
Too Much. More than that, there have been some movies that
were really great the second time around. The dialogue crackles,
the suspense is palpable and LaBeouf makes for a surprisingly
dashing choice to play a teenage action hero. I enjoyed myself
immensely beginning to end, and definately gets the keys to
take up immediate residence in my cinematic condominium of
breezily satisfying delights.
(A homage to old-fashioned suspense films that delivers.)
Review by Lokman BS