WINNER of BEST ACTOR Award (Ensemble Cast) at Cannes Film
Festival 2006
In French with English Subtitles
Genre: Drama/War
Director: Rachid Bouchareb
Starring: Jamel Debbouze, Samy Naceri, Roschdy
Zem, Sami Bouajila
RunTime: 2 hrs 10 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films
Rating: NC16 (War Violence)
Opening Day: 26 October 2006 (The Picturehouse)
1944-1945… The liberation of Italy, Provence, the Alps,
the Rhone Valley, the Vosges and Alsace marked vital stages
in the Allied victory… And in the place that France
was able to take among the Allies following the Armistice.
This victorious and bloody march on Germany was carried out
by the 1st French Army, recruited in Africa to sidestep the
German occupiers and the officials of the Vichy regime: 200,000
men, including 130,000 "natives" comprising 110,000
North Africans and 20,000 Black Africans… The rest of
the force was made up of French North Africans, for two-thirds,
and of young Frenchmen who had fled the Occupation. The film
tells the forgotten story of the so-called "native"
soldiers through the epic experiences of four among them.
Movie Review:
"Unknown stories", "forgotten
battles," there are plenty in history, even WWII probably
the most studied war is no exception. It's not a well known
fact that the French army consisted in the final years of
the war to nearly 50% of Africans and Maghrebinerns. Finally
a long-neglected story is told in Indigénes (Days of
glory) helmed by Rachid Bouchareb. That's certainly no failing:
a tribute to the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands
of North Africans drafted into the French army to help liberate
la patrie, the film deploys a linear narrative and vividly
drawn characters to chart the experiences of a handful of
Algerians and Moroccans as they make their perilous way through
Italy, Provence and the Vosges to Alsace. Coupled with the
superb performances - Jamel Debbouze, Roschdy Zem and Sami
Bouajila shared the Cannes Best Actor prize - this results
in strong, clear storytelling, so that by the time we get
to an expertly mounted encounter with the Nazis in a half-abandoned
village, we care deeply about the fates of the main characters.
Staged as a series of vignettes rather than
a character study or historical epic, the film is painfully
aware of its important political duty to remind France of
its unjust treatment of its ‘other’ soldiers,
much to the detriment of character and story development.
With a cast headed by comedian-turned-serious-actor Jamel
Debouzze (Amélie), the film is sure to attract audience
attention in Europe, while the serious subject matter will
demand respect and reflection. As ‘just’ a genre
film however, Indigènes is strangely uninvolving and
distant until its last battle that it finally creates the
suspense, heartbreak and gut-punch one might expect from a
war film. Since it is hard to become emotionally involved
with characters whose personalities look like sketches for
political pamphlets, the film’s structure feels too
loose to create any forward momentum. Scenes are built around
moments of premeditated humiliation from outside, not around
the accumulative experiences of who these people really are
and what they believe or come to believe in.
The battles, focused on infantry actions,
while competently filmed to the standard set by films like
Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers , are not the focus
of the film. In fact, there is not a whole lot of fighting
in Indigènes, which leaves the characters more than
enough time to reflect on the second-class soldiers treatment
that France – the country that is not truly theirs but
for which the are fighting and putting their lives on the
line – is giving them. In a scene aboard a ship on the
Meditteranean, the titular indigènes (literally “the
indigenous”) are not allowed to have the tomatoes that
the mainland French soldiers are getting for dinner. Abdelkader
is outraged and decides that everyone or no-one should have
them, setting the scene for all things is to come. The problem
of the screenplay, which was written by the director together
with Olivier Lorelle, is that in making sure that the film’s
main point is made clear, the characters and especially Abdelkader,
are drawn as walking indignations rather than convincing people
or even recognizable clichés.
Writer-director Bouchareb has chosen a lofty subject matter
for his film and a fine cast of French-African actors, including
Samy Naceri (from the Taxi franchise) as the sensible Yassir,
Roschdy Zem (Le petit lieutenant/The Young Lieutenant) as
the romantic Messaoud who falls in love with a French girl,
Sami Bouajila (Embrassez qui vous voudrez) as the ambitious
Corporal Abdelkader and the aforementioned Debouzze as the
somewhat clueless but nevertheless endearing subordinate Saïd.
Their story is told in small scenes: the recruitment in their
home countries (which were then colonies of France), their
perfunctory training, their first battle experience and the
long waits around campfires and in snow-covered forests in
between one attack or ambush and the next.
would be wrong, however, to infer that the film's merely a
French Saving Private Ryan; as the final moments make all
too clear, its scathing critique of the racism, exploitation
and injustices perpetrated on the North Africans by the French
they were helping remains as relevant to the present as to
the past. While not destined to be remembered as a "great"
film, it does a decent job of publicising the "forgotten
different view of a long forgotten war story that yearns to
be remembered..)
by Lokman B S