Director: Larry Charles
Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen
RunTime: 1 hr 24 mins
Released By: 20th Century Fox
Rating: R21 (Coarse Language and Nudity)
Opening Day: 28 December 2006
In “BORAT …” Sacha Baron Cohen - star of
HBO’s hit comedy “Da Ali G Show,” takes
his outrageous Kazakstani reporter character Borat to the
big screen. In this hilariously offensive movie, Borat travels
from his primitive home in Kazakhstan to the U.S. to make
a documentary. On his cross-country road-trip, Borat meets
real people in real situations with hysterical consequences.
(I’m tired just thinking about the entire title so let’s
just use the abbreviation) is a truly funny and utterly outrageous
mockumentary that has rightfully made its star (Sacha Baron
Cohen) a phenomenon. Cohen and comedy stalwart, Larry Charles
are either the bravest souls on television or the most cavalier.
It delivers more knockout punches in its opening act than
most billed comedies have in their entire running time (sequels
included). It starts out with a purposeful but not all that
difficult premise of uprooting the wavering perception of
the United States of America’s open policy and social
cohesion in regards to race and religion.
It also
prides itself on eliciting legitimate responses (well, mostly
legitimate) from its subjects that range from unwise wizened
Texans, college frat boys to Pentecostal churchgoers in an
apparent effort to ridicule and I suppose to expose the hypocrisies
of the American collective. But what starts out as a preceding
imperative to satirise the extreme right-wingers and clenched
up patrons of “morality and decency” slowly turns
into a disappointing afterthought in the middle of its comic
snuff that takes out any one caught in Borat Sagdiyev’s
the boundaries and expounding on the then undisclosed aspects
of the Borat’s life in Kazakhstan, the film starts off
in a small village where he reveals himself to be a celebrity
in his country, a proud brother of the third best whore in
Kazakhstan and the unhappy husband of a growling ogre of a
wife. He tells us of his impending journey to the U-S of A
where he’ll bring back the “cultural learnings
of America for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan”
by way of a documentary record. To aid him in his endeavours
is Azamat (Ken Davitian), his overweight producer with one
eye on the budget and the other on the roadmap. Taking a detour
from the deeply cynical East Coast, they embark on an episodic
road trip that leads them through the heart of the country
from the Deep South to Los Angeles in the pursuit of romantic
explosions. Even with a constant structure and a neatly stacked
narrative, “Borat” most resembles a refined “Jackass”
and “Punk’d” hybrid especially in its outrageousness
that’s probably only equaled by the courage shown by
its more than willing cast and crew that predictably risked
physical harm.
And not
for nothing, but there is an ugly undercurrent of exploitation
and an inflated sense of superiority in “Borat”
that is probably easy to ignore amidst the barrage of laughter
and its mask of being an equal opportunity offender. It works
its charms by removing the audience from its subject, seducing
them first by reassuring them that by laughing at the silly
racists and homophobes and that they are actually laughing
at their own insecurities. But are they really?
The real
concern is that there is a lack of distinction being made
between ignorance and truly odious opines. While its chilling
to see a reasonably presentable man call for capital punishment
in cases of homosexualism and disappointing to see the collegiate
drunkenly ruing the end of slavery and sexism, it’s
also as equally vile to see people that refuse to be drawn
into Borat’s game be goaded into becoming caricatures
for the camera especially when we aren’t privy to the
elaborate falsehoods that were told before the release forms
were signed. And what about those that that mean well and
those who want to give Borat the benefit of the doubt due
to his perceived naiveté? Instead they get pushed to
their breaking points in order to get the response that the
crew wants.
who now think that I have missed the point of this “social
exercise” are wrong. I find the repulsive nature of
prejudice off-putting as much as the next person, and respect
Cohen’s abilities as Kaufman-esque comedian to the extent
of backing him for any Best Actor awards regardless of the
apparent novelty factor. But do I necessary have to approve
or even cheer on someone who deceives his way into making
a salient and frankly, hypocritical point about exposing the
real truths while watching him dole out punishment via humiliation
to the ignorant “racists” and the overly conservatives
that Cohen does not approve of?
Movie Rating:
(Its mile-a-minute gags are absurdly hilarious but
the laughter rings hollow)
by Justin Deimen