Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Cast: Robert Carlyle, Rose Byrne, Harold
Perrineau, Catherine McCormack
RunTime: -
Released By: 20th Century Fox
Rating: M18
Day: 10 May 2007
The Sequel to 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later picks
up six months after the Rage virus has decimated the city
of London. The US Army has restored order and is repopulating
the quarantined city, when a carrier of the Rage virus enters
London and unknowingly re-ignites the spread of the deadly
Forget about American zombies, leave it to the British
to come up with zombies that will scare the pants out of you.
Before fans of 28 DAYS LATER start throwing rocks at me, let
me clarify that the "zombies" are actually human
beings infected by a virus that will cause them go into a
violent murderous rampage. They are fast, vicious, infectious
and hyper, killing everything in sight. So calling them "Virus-carrier-like
half human" doesn't really have a ring as well as being
called a Zombie. Anyway, given that this time of year normally
gives way to three-quels, kid friendly fayre or brainless
blockbusters it's nice to have a proper certificate horror
film we can all go and see - without the worry of horror-lite
Hollywood horror, or 'lets try to gross out as much as
possible' Hostel-like films. And what more, sequels aren’t
supposed to be as good as 28 WEEKS LATER, which does what
more follow-ups should, and so few do, using concepts introduced
in its predecessor as the spine for a fresh dramatic story
managing numerous points to be every bit as scary and intense
as the original, while maintaining an even bleaker and more
uncompromising outlook.
a nutshell, 28 WEEKS LATER, the follow up to 28 DAYS LATER,
picks up six months after the rage virus has annihilated the
Mainland Britain. The U.S. Army declares that the war against
infection has been won, and that the reconstruction of the
country can begin. As the first wave of refugees return, a
family is reunited, but one of them unwittingly carries a
terrible secret. The virus is not yet dead, and this time,
it is more dangerous than ever. Taking over directing duties
from Danny Boyle is Juan Carlos Fresnadillo - and at just
a shade over an hour and a half long - he has given us a great
piece of well paced, atmospheric cinema, with more than enough
moments in there to please fans of the original, as well as
plenty in there for anyone new to movies' concept.
haunting vision of a ruined London is one of the most memorable
aspects of 28 WEEKS LATER, which allows us to see a lot more
of the desolation than Boyle's film did. Majestic helicopter
shots of a creepily still capital and a nightmarish trip into
the tube network all combine to give the very real impression
of a city stripped of its lifeforce. The emptiness and bleakness
of the city is what Fresnadillo does best here, underpinning
the manic infected-based mayhem.
are some remarkable set-pieces in 28 WEEKS LATER, the scale
of which leaves its predecessor in its shade: the firebombing
of the city; the chemical weapons attack that leaves deadly
fog-like clouds rolling eerily around the silent streets;
the startling sequence that shows the rebirth of the virus
as the Rage spreads uncontrollably through a crowd of refugees
trapped in a large pitch black basement, infecting almost
everyone present in a matter of seconds; the film's most indelible
sequence, as three desperate survivors venture into the pitch
black of a long abandoned underground train station with only
a single night vision scope revealing the appalling extent
of the horrors they've descending into (giving homage to another
successful British horror, The Decent).
cast is excellent throughout - Robert Carlyle of course steals
the show from all comers as the weasely Don, willing to leave
his wife to perish at the hands of the infected if it means
saving his own skin and getting his just deserts when she
turns up again; Catherine McCormack makes the most of the
small role as the abandoned wife, almost recognisable in later
scenes; the non UK contingent including Rose Byrne, also in
Boyle's Sunshine, Jeremy Remmer and Perrineau, all get less
meaty roles but do well with what they're given; and the two
kids, the improbably named Mackintosh Muggleton and Imogen
Poots are real revelations and really very effective in what
essentially amounts to the two leading roles.
explosions of violence showcase of extremely convincing makeup
illusions, cinematography and production designers that crafted
a remarkable vision of a blighted London, a scarily expressive
score, along with editor Chris Gill, returnees from 28 DAYS
LATER, resulted in one of the rare filmic returns to the well
that is just as satisfying as the first trip, and stands as
a worthy companion piece to its popular predecessor.
(An apocalyptic edge-of-your-seat horror that delivers more
than expected.)
by Lokman BS