After unceremoniously parting ways with 'The Lego Movie' directors Phil Lord and Christopher Lord, Disney's 'Star Wars' spinoff based on the Harrison Ford character Han Solo is finally back on track.

The story charts the future iconic Millennium Falcon pilot, Han Solo, as he meets his future co-pilot Chewbacca and encounters Lando Calrissian in a dark and dangerous criminal underworld years before joining the Rebellion. Alden Ehrenreich is donning Han’s vest with Donald Glover as Lando, Woody Harrelson as Tobias Beckett and Emilia Clarke as Qi’Ra.

The full teaser shows the scruffy scoundrel as a youngster — “I’ve been running scams on the street since I was 10” — and explains that he was kicked out of the flight academy before joining the crew organized by Harrelson’s Beckett. Chewie gets a word in there, agreeing to Beckett’s offer on Han’s behalf.

“Get ready. I thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it’s fine,” winks Ehrenreich’s Solo as he navigates a tricky flight through a slew of tentacles.
