Oscar-nominated titles at Cathay Cineplexes

Now that the Oscar nominations are out, you might be curious to check out some of the titles that you missed the last time round when they were playing in relative obscurity. And Cathay Cineplexes is proud to announce that they will be bringing back their Oscar-nominated titles THE IDES OF MARCH, MIDNIGHT IN PARIS and THE ARTIST for extended runs the whole of this week. George Clooney's political thriller IDES has been nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay, while Woody Allen's MIDNIGHT IN PARIS is up for Best Picture and Best Director. Meanwhile, THE ARTIST is the second most nominated film this year after Martin Scorcese's HUGO, and is considered a frontrunner for Best Picture. 

In addition to these titles, MARGIN CALL is still playing in Cathay Cineplex Cineleisure Orchard, and is contending for Best Original Screenplay. Cathay-Keris Films will also add the ALBERT NOBBS and A SEPARATION to its slate next month. Nominated for 3 Academy Awards including Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress, ALBERT NOBBS is the story of a woman who disguises herself as a man so as to survive and work in 19th century Ireland. The Iranian film, A SEPARATION, a story of a married couple who is torn between leaving the country to provide a better life for their child and staying behind in Iran to care for an aged parent who has Alzheimer’s, will be opening on 8 March. 

You can check out both their trailers below:
