KUNG FU PANDA 2 Triumphs as THE Best-Selling Film of 2011 In Singapore

Everyone's favourite panda conquers as KUNG FU PANDA 2 triumphs as the best-selling film of 2011 in Singapore to date and becomes the second top grossing film of all time in Singapore, with a box office record of $8.7
million and still counting.

In a mere 27 days, the highly anticipated sequel has achieved two significant milestones in Singapore by being the first animation ever to cross the S$8 million mark at the local box office and also beating the previous record-holder Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen to clinch the number 2 spot on the all-time box
office movie sales chart.

Making its 3D debut, the DreamWorks animation - which opened on May 26 - also achieved another first by grossing S$3.17 million in ticket sales in its opening weekend, making it the # 1 top weekend opener ever.

The first KUNG FU PANDA installment, which was released in 2008, holds the position of second biggest animation film of all time with S$5.9 million in ticket sales.

Mr. Nicholas Yong, Managing Director of the film's local distributing arm, United International Pictures (Singapore & Malaysia) said, "We're awed and thrilled with the results! When the first Kung Fu Panda crossed the S$5 million mark in 2008 it was indeed a feat. But for KUNG FU PANDA 2 now to cross the S$8 million mark is truly outstanding, considering that no other animation in Singapore has crossed the $5 million mark with the exception of Kung Fu Panda. We had hoped that KUNG FU PANDA 2 would be able to trump the box office numbers of the first installment, but to see it beat the animation record, and then beat both Transformers 1 and 2 to become the second biggest film of all-time, whether live-action or otherwise, is truly awesome. This means our panda 'PO' is the undisputed biggest and second biggest animation champion of all-time now!"
