Already Famous, Michelle Chong’s directorial debut and Alien Huang’s first Singapore movie is selected as the Opening Film for the Asian Film Festival in Taiwan (12 to 16 October 2012). Both Michelle Chong and Alien Huang attended the press conference chaired by renowned film director Hou Hsiao-Hsien in Taipei yesterday (24 September 2012). This is the first time a Singapore movie has been chosen to be an Opening Film in a Taiwan film festival.

Chong says, "When I directed Already Famous, like Ah Kiao the protagonist, I only wanted to fulfill a longtime dream. This came as a wonderful surprise and a great honour! I was very excited to meet Hou Hsiao-Hsien in person as he is such an influential and well-respected figure in Taiwan's New Wave Cinema. Coincidentally, on the way to Taiwan, both of our maiden films were available on the Inflight Entertainment on China Airlines! Of course I chose to watch his 1980 directorial debut, Cute Girls, as I can watch my movie anytime on DVD. I was very touched when I walked into the hall where the press conference was held, as they had used one of our movie stills as the backdrop for their Film Festival.

I hope this recognition opens more doors for fellow budding Singapore movie directors in terms of getting more exposure in Taiwan cinema. I thank Pop Cinema and the Taiwan Film and Culture Society for their invaluable support."

Chong is currently working on her next movie, 3 Peas in a Pod, and took the opportunity to meet up with her next male lead, also a Taiwanese actor. The movie will be filmed in Australia next year and also stars a Kpop star.

Already Famous tells the story of a Malaysian girl who sets out to fulfill her dream of becoming a popular star in Singapore, and her bittersweet journey of sweat, tears, love and joy. This comedy is not just about the trials and tribulations of making it in showbiz, but also a message of truth and heart to anyone who has ever wished upon a star.

Already Famous DVD is out in retail stores
