I guess it’s not difficult to find a “Transformers”
fan among us or even come across one who has the audacity
to say he never heard of it.
the premiere of the live-action movie this coming summer,
it’s time to regain some of the lost knowledge over
the adult years through this wonderfully compiled “Transformers:
The Ultimate Guide”.
by Simon Furman, the man responsible for some of the original
UK comics, this book covers the history of “Transformers”
way back in 1984 to the present (this book edition 2004).
From Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons to the comics
world and TV season. Apparently nothing escapes from the hands
and brain of Mr Furman.
single page of the 140-guide book is adorned with beautiful
pictures, artwork and photographs. There are even pages dedicated
to the reviews of Generation 1, 2 and Beast War toys figures.
price tag of this guidebook might seem a bit hefty but flipped
over the pages and you will find it all worthwhile as those
past wondrous memories of your childhood comes sweeping back.
The familiar tagline says it all, this book is “more
than meets the eyes”!
Drool over the extensive graphics and detailed images. And
I mean over and over again…
by Linus Tee